The New Mexico Association of Drug Court Professionals (NMADCP) is a non-profit organization of professionals involved in the development and implementation of treatment-oriented drug courts.
Organized in 1997, its members include up to 200 judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, treatment providers, law enforcement, researchers and community leaders. The NMADCP is served by a Board of Directors.
The New Mexico drug court field has grown to include 45 active drug courts. Like the drug court practitioners who created the organization, NMADCP is in a unique position to serve the field. Comprised of practitioners, criminal justice and rehabilitative experts, NMADCP has the expertise and the ability to assist in the development of effective drug court programs.

Since its inception, NMADCP has provided important services and resources to the drug court field, including:
- Annual Training Conferences
- Regional Trainings
- Advocacy on Behalf of Federal and State Drug Courts
- Technical Assistance for Grant Writing and Other Resource Allocations
- Media Advocacy
- Legislative Support
- Evaluation Monitoring
NMADCP will continue its efforts to serve the New Mexico drug court field and to inform and educate the state as to the importance and effectiveness of drug courts and other court-based intervention programs.
Drug Courts are an effective and cost-saving alternative to incarceration. The mission of the New Mexico Association of Drug Court Professionals is to promote and support best practices by providing technical assistance, training, education and resources for emerging and established drug courts.
2018 Conference
2016 Conference
The NMADCP Problem Solving Courts Training Conference was held November 2-3, 2016 at the Sheraton Uptown Hotel in Albuquerque, NM. The NMADCP would like to thank all those who attended and hope the information provided was beneficial to programs statewide.
Reference Material and Presentation Material is available below for download.
2015 Conference
Attendees of the NMADCP Training Conference for Problem-Solving Courts were given a jump drive as part of the conference packet.
That jump drive contained, among many other documents, a copy of all of the PowerPoint presentations available prior to the actual conference. The files below are the PowerPoint presentations that were updated by the presenter just prior to their actual presentation, and a few PowerPoints that weren’t available in time to load on the jump drive have become available as well.